College Council

The College Council is an advisory body to the College President that provides multiple viewpoints on college-wide initiatives, including strategic planning, accreditation, and student success. As the College's central shared governance committee, Council members facilitate communication on institutional matters across its represented employee groups.

College Council Goals for FY 2025

1. Council will explore strategies for increasing student exposure to the variety of guided pathways available to them. 

2. Council will learn about potential applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the college.

3. Council will engage with the college's strategic plan.  

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Shared Governance Structure

Shared Governance Model

Shared Governance Process Flow


Operational Assembly

The Operational Assembly is a collegial body concerned with building consensus on issues related to campus operations, facilities, and student services. The Assembly provides guidance to committees within the Business Services division, campus community and student support working groups. The Assembly also assists with the coordination of committee efforts by ensuring cross communication at monthly meetings.

Operational Assembly

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is a collegial and professional body established by the Faculty Association, the administration, and the Board as the academic committee system of the Faculty Association. It also encompasses other elements of the college in order to promote widespread input into academic decisions. It is concerned with building consensus on those issues which relate to teaching and learning. The Senate reports directly to the College President, and, when appropriate, the Vice Presidents. The Senate committees include Academic and Scholastic Standards, Academic Support, Assessment, Campus Quality, Curriculum, Professional Development, Student Development, and Technology Advisory and Distance Education.

Academic Senate

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Contact College Council

President Moore
Mary-Rita Moore
Frank Alvino
Frank Alvino
Adjunct Faculty Rep.
Beth Dunn
Beth Dunn
Faculty/Acad. Senate Chair
Purva DeVol
Purva DeVol
Joe Klinger
Joe Klinger
Human Resources Rep.

Shekinah Lawrence
Shekinah Lawrence
Faculty Rep.
Jason Lemberg
Jason Lemberg
Mid-Management Rep.

Mark Kouria
Mark Kouria
Student Rep.

Hilary Meyer
Hilary Meyer
Operational Assembly Chair
Student Affairs Rep.
Ty Perkins
Ty Perkins
Academic Rep.
Colleen Rockafellow
Colleen Rockafellow
Bus Services/Tech Rep.
Maria Solorio
Maria Solorio
Classified Rep.

Kurian Tharakunnel
Kurian Tharakunnel
Communications &
Institutional Advancement Rep
Shelley Tiwari
Shelley Tiwari
Student Success Rep.
Mary Wink
Mary Wink
Hourly Rep.

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Meeting Schedules

All regular College Council meetings for FY 24 will take place on Mondays, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in rooms B-204/210 unless noted otherwise on the agenda.

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 25

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 24

College Council Meeting Schedule, FY 23

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Questions for the College Council?

Contact College Council

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Business Services Functional Committee

The purpose of the Business Services Functional Committee is to serve as the primary source of information and expertise about the areas under Business Services. Areas under Business Services include: Finance, Operations and Maintenance, Information Systems, Shipping and Receiving, Police, Foundation, Cernan Space Center, Liaison to Bookstore and Food Service. The Business Services Functional Committee will support the College Council in institutional planning and presidential advising.

Current Business Services Functional Committee Members

Business Services Functional Committee Meeting Schedule

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